Membership Information
Come join the club! Wedgewood is a member’s only club with limited membership. The waitlist typically runs at 3 to 5 years wait time. See the application and details below. Have questions? Click here to read our New Member FAQ.
Some of the benefits of club membership:
All teams and group lessons are included with membership
A safe outdoor environment for old-fashioned summer fun
Children over 10 can be at the club without adults
Application for Membership
To apply, complete the form found here and mail it with a non-refundable $200.00 application fee. Remittance by check only, made payable to The Wedgewood Club, to the address below. You must be a resident of Bedford at the time of your application.
The Wedgewood Club
PO Box 110
Bedford, MA 01730
c/o Membership Chair
Waiting List
The postmark on the envelope containing your completed application and check establishes your application date and position on the waiting list. After approval by the Board of Governors, your name will be added to the waiting list. Children of current members should contact Membership Chairperson for additional information. Should your contact information or mailing address change from your application submittal, it is your responsibility to notify Wedgewood Club membership of your current contact information.
Estimated Wait Time
The current waitlist is currently over 100 families. The number of families admitted each year depends on how many resignations there are as there is a limit in the total number of club members in the club bylaws. Typically each year there are approximately 25 families removed from the wait list. Given the current wait list, the estimated time for a new family to wait would be 3 to 5 years.
Check Wait List Status
Click the button below to check the wait list. This wait list is not dynamic and is updated on this site manually in May of each year after the conclusion of the annual membership invitations. This list was last updated in May of 2024.
When your name reaches the top of the list and an opening is available, you will be invited to join. The admission process for the upcoming season generally takes place between February and April. The Wedgewood Club receipt of your initiation fee confirms your acceptance of membership. Upon receipt of your payments: Bond, Current Dues, and Current Assessments; your admission is complete. The required fees will be outlined at the time of your invitation for membership. To be fair to the other families on the waiting list, a deadline for submitting the fees is imposed. You may receive a letter the fall prior your potential membership offer to notify you of the possibility and describing approximate financial commitment. Deferrals of the invitation are not typically offered due to the length of the waiting list.
Resignation must take place before the April 1st payment deadline for the upcoming season. Resignations can be submitted by email to or by US Mail to The Wedgewood Club, P.O. Box 110, Bedford MA 01730 attention: Membership Chair. Per the club bylaws bond refunds for voting members are returned within 90 days of their replacement by a new member. For sustaining members they are returned within 90 days of notice of resignation.
Membership Contact
If you have questions contact the Membership Chair by email at: